This week at creative writing we had to write a 26 word poem that went through the alphabet. Mine makes no sense but most poetry is hard to understand so maybe it's just a really amazing poem, and maybe if it doesn't make sense to you then you're only reading it on a shallow surface level and your not understanding it as a metaphor for the collapse of the euro zone and the crumbling of capitalism as we know it.
Accidentally Becky Coper Discovered Every Family Grows High.
I Joked Kangaroos Love My Nose.
Obese Pigs Quiver.
Roap Swings Twist Under Vicious Waggling.
X-tream Yetties Zap.
The xyz bit was hard so I had to cheat with x. I wrote another one as well that ended with.
Ultra Violent Women X-pell Your Zits.
Other that writing ridiculous things, I have been ridding on ridiculous methods of transport, sometimes in ridiculous clothes.
Bex's Disney fancy dress hen do |
Cannoeing to tesco with my sister
The great thing about cannoeing on the world's most ugly canal is that you get to see the reactions of locals (as well as getting to see floating t.vs.) Scally kids are always surprised and interested to see the cannoes. This time a scally asked Dan why he was doing it. Dan didn't know what to say, he told me later that it was a very existential question and he didn't know how to answer. I personally think he missed out on a great opportunity to talk about the deep questions of life with a 14 year old.