A lot of things are changing for me at the moment....I don't mean like I'm going through puberty or the menopause or something....I mean like life stuff like moving jobs and moving house and getting a car that a few years ago was 'grown up stuff' and now is just stuff, but quite exciting stuff. Even though I am doing relitively grown up stuff now I still apparently look like a teanager, I'm kind of board of that now, I think people don't really look properly, they see I'm a bit shorter than average and think I must be not fully grown and therefore still a teenager and they don't look at my slightly wrinkerly 24 year old eyes.
This old man who was a volunteer in the gallery I work at insulted me by not looking at my 24 year old eyes today:
old man: are you on work experience?
me: no I work here.
old man: oh is this just a little job for you before you go to uni?
me: no I've been to uni
old man: oh! you must be older than 21!
me: I'm 24
old man: you must be able to get a better job than working here with your dergee what was it in?
me: Art
old man: oh well, nervermind.
he pretty much insulted me at every stage of the conversation. If he though it was such a bad job why was he volunteering? at least I was being paid.
So anyway my new job is being an art workshop leader in lots of schools all over the north west. (that is replacing my job with the naughty kids but I will still do causal gallery work as a top up job) This company that have taken me on only take people on recomendation, and my friend Roz recomended me which ment I had the easist interview ever because there was no compotition, I just had to not be a total weirdo which I nearly managed. The interview was not far from my house just the other side of sefton park but not on a bus route so I cycled, but the problem was-
A: rain makes everywhere muddy
B: if you cycle through the park it is easy to come out the wrong exit and get lost
C: riding as fast as you can because you are lost when it is muddy and you don't have mud gaurds on your bike is not sensible before an interview.
The place I was interviewed had no mirrors so I have no idea if I had mud on my face, I definatly had some splatterd up my jumper, and when I got home there was some on my neck which I'm hoping was from the ride home. The point is I still got the job.
I didn't really manage to get rid of that first impression a few days later when I went to their office to give in stuff for a CRB check, it was really really pouring down like - you have to change your underwear when you get home wet. I'd brought my 8 previous CRB check with me just to prove that if I'm a weirdo, it's the safe kind. I discoverd CRBs are not waterproof even if they're in a waterproof-ish bag. the the ink runs everwhere so I can't even prove I'm not a crimanal now.
So that is the story of my new job, I also have to get a car to do that job, (I hope I have more luck with cars than bikes, I'm currently on my 7th bike since I've been in liverpool, which is 5 years.) and also I'm moving house to a different area of liverpool I've never lived in before. Tonight is my last night in this house before I move to my new house via the exciting detinations of Uganda and Coventry.
Friday, 23 July 2010
Sunday, 18 July 2010
I'm either going through soem late teanage rebellion or early midlife crisis but I feel like changing my image a bit, not because I don't like who I am or anything I'm just board. I was considering getting a tattoo or a peircing or changing my hair. I think I've ruled out a tattoo now because it's to permanate, as I said to Dan 'I don't thnk I can make a decision about something I want now and be happy with it for the rest of my life' which I've since discoved is not a very reasuring thing to say to someone your in a serious relationship with. If I was going to have a tattoo though I think I'd like to have something useful like the 7 times table or the london tube map or the periodic table tattooed on to me. I'm suprised more people don't do that, there's no point having information you already know tatooed to you, like your children's names or whatever, you might as well have a french verb table or something. unless people who have there kids names tattooed on them do it coz they can't remember their kids names.
So I'm thinking about having my nose peirced, and if I can get my hair braided well I'm in uganda I will definatly do that.
So I'm thinking about having my nose peirced, and if I can get my hair braided well I'm in uganda I will definatly do that.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Posh Protesting

This week my family were involved in the poshist protest I've ever seen. If your village was about to be destroyed to make way for a high speed railway would you get a marching band? Or would you think 'I shall juggle my clubs in anger' like my sister. I saw the whole news item on midlands today and infront of the marching band was 3 or 4 tractors. I think the people of northen Ireland and Gaza could learn at lot from the people of Burton Green. There posh protesting might not get them anything but at least it is fun for all the family.
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