Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Exercise Bikes

Hello....I haven't written a lot recently I blame sky. I moved into my new house on 1st August and we still do not have internet that is how much sky suck. Although I also have a passionate hatred for Virgin Media, T.V licencing and the monkey that has been given the responsibilty of processing all the job seekers allowence claims in the world, and also who ever decided to give that responcibility to a monkey!

I keep thinking of odd things I could write about and then they float out of my head before I can make them into a fully formed blog when I'm a work or whatever, which is where I am now. I do enjoy the evening shift. Virtually no responcibily and a free supply of chocolate and tea and internet.

So anyway I think today I will talk/rant about exercise bikes, because I find the conceept of exercise bikes hilarious. There are so many gadgets that try to save us time and energy, but here is an invention that wastes both. people who are super rich and have all the time and energy saving devises in the world, than have an excess of energy which they need to use up so they join a gym.

I am a real life cyclist, that means when I am on my bike I am not in a cosy gym watching T.V, am in the real word, I can get rained on and verbally abused by scallies and hit by cars. But I have three good reasons for cycling:

1) Every month I save £48 (that is what I would spend on the bus)

2) It is just as quick to get to my work in the city center by bike, and it halfs the time I would take getting to my job in anfield which I would have to get 2 buses to.

3) Excercise (I'm not that bothered about this but it's an added bonus.)

So it's like killing 3 birds with 1 stone.

Whereas cycling mashine has many cons:

1) you have to pay to use it.

2) you're using up your own free time on it.

3) however hard you pedal you will never get anywhere.

so that is like three birds attacking one stone and pecking it to death.

hmmm ...I'm not sure I want my blog to end in the word death, it's a bit negitive and I'm atually in a good mood. I've just had some good news atually and only one person know so far, (not including the person that told me) it is not regular good news like getting a new job or having a baby. I've just found out I've been comissioned to paint a giant fiber glass penguin.